Mar 22, 2018
Spring Cleaning for Your Nissan Vehicle


When the weather starts to warm up, it’s time to give your car a little spring cleaning. Use these tips from Peruzzi Nissan to make sure your vehicle will be in perfect shape for the spring and summer months after a long, harsh winter.

  • Start by cleaning out your glove box and all those other compartments in the car that tend to accumulate stuff.  Check under and in-between seats.  And don’t ignore sticky cup holders.
  • Wipe down the interior console with a damp cloth, avoiding any electrical outlets.
  • Your car’s carpet and upholstery really take a beating during the winter from rock salt and mud.  Grab a vacuum and get to it; if things are really stained, rent a carpet-cleaning machine. Wipe down the seats with a damp, soft cloth and use an upholstery cleaner if necessary.
  • Now, time for a thorough wash and wax on the exterior.  Don’t ignore the various cracks and crevices where winter grime can accumulate. Give your wheels and hubcaps a little extra attention; tighten any loose lug nuts and check tire pressure while you’re down there. It’s smart to check your windshield wiper blades, too: scraping against ice and snow can wear them down,  Replace them if needed.
  • Check under the hood for any debris and remove it. Open your trunk and clean it out. Check that your spare tire is ready to go and that your emergency kit is up to date.
  • Finally, give all the mirrors and windows a good shine, inside and out.

The last step in preparing your car for spring and summer? Make an appointment with a trusted service department, like the one at Peruzzi Nissan. They’ll check all your belts and hoses, fluid levels and do an oil change. They’ll also check your air conditioning, to ensure that it works when you need it. Schedule a service appointment with the Nissan experts at Peruzzi Nissan if you’d like us to check your vehicle and make sure it’s ready for spring and summer. If you’re looking for a new vehicle rather than service on a current vehicle, Peruzzi Nissan has a huge selection of over 250 new Nissan vehicles available in the Levittown, PA and Trenton, NJ areas including new 2018 models. If you’re looking for a used vehicle, Peruzzi Nissan also has a massive inventory of nearly 500 pre-owned vehicles from every major manufacturer.